AM Question- What is your current inner feel and knowing (0-10) of emotion for
the day and what could cause this?
PM Question- What was your level (0-10) of emotion throughout the day and
what was the reason?
1. Over thinking- the process of using your mind multiple times to consider
2. Rippling Out- Unlocking and activating “The Law of Miraculism” in others.
3. Fear- be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable
situation or event; be scared of, be frightened of.
4. Unconditional Love- the unconscious feeling of great affection or liking
with no conditions attached.
5. Boredom/drudgery- The unconscious knowing of being bored.
6. Amusement/joy- The unconscious sensing and knowing of great happiness.
7. Unawareness- an unconscious feeling that results from a lack of attention
to something you may or may not have known before.
8. Awareness- the unconscious feeling and knowing that makes you aware of
something you may or may noy have known before.
9. Prejudice- an unconscious partiality or opinion about an issue, a situation
or others.
10. Acceptance- the unconditional act of accepting with approval.
11. Over identification-unconscious or conscious circumstances that keep you
from feeling and knowing your truth, true identity and/or potential.
12. Neutrality- an unconscious tolerance to anything that tries to affect you.
13. Self-sabotage- The act of purposely causing harm or pain upon yourself
physically, mentally or emotionally.
14. Self-love- The healthy unconscious love of one’s self and circumstances.
15. Blame- unconsciously bringing reproach upon a circumstance or yourself.
16. Forgiveness- the unconscious willingness to forgive.
17. Ungratefulness- an unconscious lack of gratitude towards anything
including yourself.
18. Appreciation- an unconscious understanding of the nature or meaning or
quality or magnitude of something.
19. Indifference- an unconscious apathy or lack of emotional reaction to
something you know violates others.
20. Compassion- the unconscious quality of understanding the suffering of
others or yourself and doing something about it.
21. Impatience- an unconscious feel about anything that causes delay in your
22. Patience- an unconscious tolerance of delay or incompetence.
23. Doubt- the unconscious feel or knowing of being unsure of something.
24. Confidence- freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.